I loved turbo pascal 5I used others of course 3, 7 come to mind but 5 was the one which I really lovedThe compiler and all my source code I could carry around in my pocket (on a 3.5 inch floppy disk)I built 3D graphics in real time among a lot of other programs and had a great time using it.
You could use the asm directive to write assembly in a code block of its own, and this is my preferred way. The only issue is you are limited to using 286 instructions as these are the only ones that turbo pascal ever supported. So if you required 386 instructions or higher you were out of luck!
Borland Turbo Pascal 7.0
MS-DOS apps were a lot simpler than what we have today and often did misbehave when you ran out of memory. Those that did not often just allocated a fixed amount of memory at startup and were simple enough they could ensure they worked within that limit, without handling individual allocation failures. For example if you look up 'New' in the Turbo Pascal manual (chapter 15), you can see it doesn't even *mention* New returning OOM or how to handle it. The best you can do is call MaxAvail before every allocation, which I don't recall anyone doing. -edge.com/pdf/borland/turbo_pasc... Zig heading toward a self-hosting compiler Posted Oct 8, 2020 23:27 UTC (Thu) by khim (subscriber, #9252) [Link] 2ff7e9595c